How to use the Academy?

Training structure

The Elements Academy is your primary resource on how to use the Elements platform to achieve the results. This quick overview will help you understand how to leverage that content and what to expect from the different courses.

You are now in the prerequisite open course in the Elements Academy. The remaining courses are grouped into 2 categories:

  • Training for…: collections of courses organized by target roles. Pick the role that best applies to you to see which courses are best suited for someone in your position.
  • Using Elements for…: list of all individual, practical courses which cover the methodology and usage of the Elements application to deliver your goals.

Courses are free but require that you set up an account with the Elements Academy. This will help you keep track of modules and courses you have already completed and earn experience points.


Academy account


⚠ Action: click on the image below to register in the Elements Academy. The credentials for the Academy are separate from your credentials for the Elements App.



When you have finished a course or when you want to go back to the Elements Academy homepage just click on the Academy logo in the upper left corner of the screen.



To track your progress and continue your training where you left off during your last session visit your personal dashboard.



What if I have questions?

If you are uncertain about anything or you would simply like to learn more, just email us at

If you have any feedback about the training content or any ideas about how it can be improved – talk to us!


You completed the course. Yay!! Tell the world.
