UPN LO3-3: Understanding and defining scope

You can’t boil the ocean – Will Rogers

This seems pretty simple, but is often forgotten and there are challenges ahead… Did I mention scope-creep?

1) Always define and agree on the major trigger and major outcome of a process before you drill down too quickly.
2) Note that the text (verb+noun) of an activity box is the title of the lower level child diagram and therefore IS the scope. After you create a drill down, the system also shows you all the attached flow-lines from the parent activity, including the line text and depicting the scope.
A drill-down explains HOW something is done
For example, ask for box 1 HOW do you “Validate the customer”. You can now create a drill-down and start explaining this by adding more detailed steps.


You can always add an attachment that explains the details. It depends on the complexity of the process, or more likely, you might perhaps already have documentation that you quickly can add. The latter also means that you don’t have to redo everything when starting with UPN. You can add existing content pretty quick and always decide later to transform it into UPN.
MOST important is that you understand how the lower-level activities or the attachments contribute to the context of an activity such as “Validate customer”.